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14 Prayers for a Widow's JourneyПример

14 Prayers for a Widow's Journey

ДЕН 1 ОТ 14

...I will not leave you comfortless...

There’s a gigantic hole, Lord. A cavern. An abyss, empty and black. Ugly.

That may sound like overkill, like overstatement, but is it? The large part of me that my husband filled with his love and his presence has been ripped away. I look the same. I sound the same. I am not the same. The married part of me has disappeared. Poof! Gone. All that’s left is silence and pain.

What will fill that gaping chasm that used to teem with life and love and purpose? Only You, Lord. Only You who will never leave me comfortless.

I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you.

John 14:18 KJV


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