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Unlimited FaithПример

Unlimited Faith

ДЕН 8 ОТ 14

“Steady Your Soul at the Foot of the Cross”

What more could God have done, to help you to love and believe in him?

Must our lives always be threatened by sickness, frustration, disappointment and death? We live in a rebellious world where people have spat in the face of God, rejected infinite love, and where people have disobeyed the laws of life, and have forgotten that a judgment day is coming.

I wonder if you have heard of Amy Carmichael. One of the problems she dealt with in the approximately 38 books that she wrote was the meaning of pain. In one of her books, she wrote: There is only one place where we can receive, not an answer to our question, but peace. That place is Calvary. An hour at the foot of the Cross steadies the soul as nothing else can. “Oh, Christ, beloved, thy Calvary stills all our questions. Love that loves like that can be trusted about this.”

Our Lord is not only our Savior but he is also our great example. He knew pain and shadows, and the worst pain, of course, was when it seemed that God had forsaken him. But God was still there. The Bible says, “God was in Christ reconciling the world unto himself” (2 Corinthians 5:19).

If the love revealed on the Cross cannot help people to be like the one who hung on the Cross, what more can God do?

I have found it true that “An hour at the foot of the Cross steadies the soul as nothing else can.” Are you facing an issue that makes your soul tremble? Dedicate one hour this week to prayerful meditation upon the Cross, using Scripture as your basis.

By Dr Des Ford
Ден 7Ден 9

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Unlimited Faith

Unlimited Faith helps you to deepen your faith in God, by teaching you how your trust in God can develop and grow. This is a reading plan for every Christian, and especially for you if you are going through a difficult t...


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