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Man. Mountain. MissionПример

Man. Mountain. Mission

ДЕН 1 ОТ 3

Leading Towards a Legacy

Some men enjoy having a view of the mountains. Other men prefer to have a view from the mountains. It’s a matter of perspective, but which one are you? Some men like to see mountains in a distance, enjoy the scenery and stay comfortable. But others want to be tested by the mountain, prefer to throw themselves at the challenge and reach the peaks that call to their very souls. It’s a matter of perspective, but which man will you be?

Twelve men came back with rewarding reports of the Promised Land. However, some men were comfortable to remain as they were, seeing the Promised Land, but not conquering it. Only two other men were eager for the climb, at ease with the challenge and willing to fight for their future. Some saw only risk, others saw rewards. Some were frightened by the obstacles; others were fired up by the opportunities. Yet, all of them experienced the same reality.

Caleb and Joshua had a different perspective than the rest. One might even suggest that they had a different spirit. They did not deny the size of Canaan’s warriors or the fortifications of their cities. In fact, it is almost as if the bigger the challenges were, the more inspired Caleb was to take them on. Some men might have thought him crazy to attempt it. But he likely thought them crazy not to. Caleb realized that the rewards outweighed the risks. His opinion was that behind every obstacle was the opportunity for his family’s and descendants’ future.

The ten naysayers felt small and insignificant compared to their enemies. Yet, as spies, their enemies likely did not talk to them, called them small, or even noticed them at all. Their perspective was that they were inadequate. It cost them from ever entering the Promised Land and added 40-years in the desert for their children. Caleb held a different perspective because he firstly held onto God’s promises. He was not daydreaming either, he was not simply hoping and wishing things would go their way. He held on to the truth, allowed it to shape his mentality, and was willing to face the trials that came with its territory.

As a man, if you truly follow God, you will be the minority many times. Ten times out of twelve, you will have a different perspective than your colleagues, friends, teammates, and whoever else don’t share your beliefs. You might even be outnumbered by fellow associating Christians when you truly take God at his word and implement it in your personal life and all your endevours. But still, you don’t have to go the distance alone. As you take a stand with a godly perspective, you will also be able to identify others who are standing tall with you. A Joshua. A Moses. A like-minded man of God who also faces reality but doesn’t accept it as finality. God is faithful – and truthfully – with Him you are always the majority!

The real question is: Are you willing to take the fight?

You see, if a man is not willing to fight for something, he might have lost it already. Are you willing to fight for your faith, men? Your family, fathers? Your marriage, husbands? Your community, brothers? Or will your legacy simply be that you left the fight for others to take up in your stead? Even if the odds seem against you, step-up to the challenge. Step-out in faith. Seek God’s face and get His perspective on your situation, your responsibilities, and your identity. Hold onto that perspective, take it into the fight you’re facing, and stick to it.

Maybe you should also change your perspective about your legacy. Your legacy is not something you’ll leave behind accidentally, but intentionally. Like Caleb, you can also start now to lead a life that builds toward a legacy that will stand as firm as the mountains. Be that Man. Take the Mountain. Accept the Mission. And be remembered for the right reasons.

So, are you going to enjoy having a view of the mountains or are you going to have a view from the mountains? The choice is yours….


Ден 2

Относно този план

Man. Mountain. Mission

Caleb was one of only two men from his entire generation to survive a 40-year desert wandering and eventually enter the Promised Land. This made him a living legend with a mountainous mission and legacy to fulfil. Will you be the same kind of man and accept your mission? Will you also leave behind a legacy that stands as firm as the mountains?
