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Signs and Miracles of Jesus in the Book of JohnПример

Signs and Miracles of Jesus in the Book of John

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The Miracle of Healing the Nobleman’s Son

In John 4, Jesus heals a nobleman’s son who is near death. The official asks Jesus to come and heal his son, but Jesus tells him his son will live. The official believes what Jesus says, and in that moment, his son is healed from afar.

This miracle shows us that Jesus has the power to heal us both physically and spiritually. It also demonstrates the importance of faith without sight. The official believed in Yeshua’s words and trusted that his son would be healed, and Jesus honored his faith by doing as promised.

Another significant detail of this miracle is the location of its occurrence. Often in the Old Testament, it is prophesied that the Messiah would come out of the Galilee region. Though the nobleman begs Jesus to come from Cana to his home in Capernaum, nearly twenty miles away, Jesus does his saving work from a distance. You may remember that Yeshua’s first miracle took place at a wedding in the same town (Cana). Even from the beginning of his public ministry, Jesus is fulfilling prophecy in ways large and small.


Do you believe Jesus has the power to heal you both physically and spiritually? How has your faith in Jesus helped you in difficult situations?


Lord, I believe in your power to heal me. Help me to trust in your power and to have faith in your promises.

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