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If Only We Had a KingПример

If Only We Had a King

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The last expectation we will discuss in this Plan is the Israelites’ desire for a king brave enough to lay down his life for his people. “...Our king will judge us and lead us into battle” (1 Samuel 8:20, NLT).

But as we know, most people will do anything to save themselves when the pressure is on. Earthly kings are no different. “This is how a king will reign over you,’ Samuel said. ‘The king will draft your sons and assign them to his chariots and his charioteers, making them run before his chariots’” (1 Samuel 8:11, NLT). And as predicted, King Saul disappointed his people once again.

I cringe when I read of Saul’s cowardice when Israel was harassed by Goliath (1 Samuel 17). Instead of challenging the intruder himself, King Saul offered a financial reward to anybody else who was brave enough to face Goliath (v. 25). And when a young boy stood up to their evil enemy, the only thing Saul did was give David his own armor (v. 38). Who wants a king like that?!

We often make the same mistake when we ask God for an earthly “king”. We expect loyalty from our heroes only to find ourselves thrown in front of the bus at the first sign of trouble. The boss who asks you to do something unlawful won’t hesitate to fire you over it when his own position is on the line. The husband who has been absent for years will blame everybody else when his wife and children finally lean on others instead.

But thank God for sending his Son to be our perfect King. Christ did not hesitate in the face of death, He conquered it forever. “No one can take my life from me. I sacrifice it voluntarily. For I have the authority to lay it down when I want to and also take it up again. For this is what my Father has commanded.” (John 10:18, NLT).

What are you requesting of God at the moment? Are you sure of your motives for asking it of the Lord? Is it possible that whatever you’re requesting may fail you in the future?

Let us choose the King who laid down his life for us. He will provide, protect and guide us beyond our earthly expectations. And let us rest in the safety of his reign forever. “For, at just the right time Christ will be revealed from heaven by the blessed and only almighty God, the King of all kings and Lord of all lords” (1 Timothy 6:15, NLT).

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Относно този план

If Only We Had a King

Do you remember nagging your parents for something until they eventually gave in? How many times did you end up disappointed with the result? The same thing happened to the Israelites when they demanded a king. In this Plan, we will explore why God became so angry at their insistence and whether some of our prayer requests may still offend God in the same way today.
