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Fast Friends, Biblical Results Of Fasting And PrayerПример

Fast Friends, Biblical Results Of Fasting And Prayer

ДЕН 7 ОТ 10


Isaiah 58 is a beautiful chapter about what God does and does not want when we fast. He doesn’t want it to be merely an exercise in self-denial simply for the sake of self-denial. God expects us to share our bread with the hungry and provide for the physical needs of others who are in need. God also directs us to “set the oppressed free and break every yoke.” What exactly does that look like? Well, it is probably different for each of us.

Do you have a loved one suffering from addiction or enduring a horrible trial? Pray for deliverance for them. The challenge in this passage is to allow God to train your eyes and your hearts to see the needs of others and to pray and fast for intercession for them. The result? Isaiah 58:11, “The Lord will guide you always; He will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land.” Who is God putting on your heart to pray and intercede for today?

When you fast and you are tempted to something for quick relief, instead take that moment to pray fervently and expectantly for whom or what He has laid on your heart to pray!


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