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Finding and Flourishing in Your Place in the ChurchПример

Finding and Flourishing in Your Place in the Church

ДЕН 25 ОТ 30


There are three institutions that God established on the earth:

i. The family

ii. Human government

iii. The Church

The family was the first institution that God established on earth (Gen. 1:27-28). If the family had done well, there would not have been any need for Him to establish the Church. Human government through political leadership is the second institution created by God to accomplish His purpose on earth, but it also failed to enthrone the program of God on earth.

These two institutions failed because the people who were supposed to work the systems were not born again, making it easy for the devil to hijack them, taking the human member of the family that God wants to use to accomplish His purpose through human government, and turning them away from God. For this reason, Jesus came, first to atone for the sins of the human family and to destroy the work of the devil. Thus, it was because the first two institutions failed that God established the third, which is the Church. For the program of God to prevail on earth, the family and human government must submit to the Church. The reason is that the Church is the final and highest institution for the accomplishment of God’s program on earth.

If you do not know the “why” of a thing, you are not to get involved with the “what” of it. God starts with the “why” before He gives you the “what” that will generate many things. This primary purpose of the Church was re-echoed in Acts 6:1-2 while the primary purpose of the anointing on the five-fold offices is found in Luke 4:18.

PRAYER: The Church will not fail in establishing the program of God on earth in Jesus’ name. Amen!

Ден 24Ден 26

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