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The BeatitudesПример

The Beatitudes

ДЕН 25 ОТ 28

Peace Child

Written By: Pastor Dan Hickling

“But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name.”—John 1:12 (NKJV)

The Bible describes those who believe in the name of Jesus in many different ways. But one description is second to none. Above all, when defining the identity of those who’ve come to place their faith in Christ, they are called “children of God.”

Space won’t allow the listing of all the times this term is specifically and exclusively applied to the Christian. It’s a concept woven throughout the fabric of Scripture, and one we need to fully embrace as true. The moment someone trusts in Jesus as their Savior and Lord, they transition from being a child of this world to being a child of God (Luke 20:34-36).

Now, the benefits that come with this switch are immeasurable. Breaking them down would be like cataloging every grain of sand. Yet there’s one blessing of being a child of God that we will cover, and it’s a reality that’s reflected in the natural truth that children resemble their parents.

Right now we can think of someone, perhaps even ourselves, who’s the spitting image of their mother or father. Whether it’s in their physical features or a personality trait, they’re a “chip off the old block,” and there’s no denying the apple didn’t fall far from the tree.

The same dynamic is true of God’s spiritual children . . . they supernaturally come to resemble Him! It may occur overnight or it might be the result of years of the Spirit’s work in their lives. But make no mistake, over time they begin to look more and more like the Lord (Romans 8:29).

“How so?” you ask. One particular way will be in their desire to pursue peace. Jesus alluded to this in the Beatitudes: “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God” (Matthew 5:9 NKJV).

Those who pursue peace are called children of God because this is what God’s children do, and they do it because they’re His children! If there’s anything true of our Heavenly Father, it’s His pursuit of peace . . . particularly with us by making it possible for us to find reconciliation with Him through the death of His Son.

May we resemble Him more and more as we pursue and promote peace with others.

DIG: What qualifies someone as a child of God?

DISCOVER: What’s one specific benefit of being God’s child?

DISPLAY: How have you come to resemble your Heavenly Father?

Ден 24Ден 26

Относно този план

The Beatitudes

Go in-depth into one of the most famous sermons ever preached by Jesus, the Beatitudes. This passage is filled with practical and profound wisdom that every Christian can benefit from. We pray that as you take the time over the next few weeks to study these ten verses, that you would hear from the Lord and experience a deeper relationship with Him!
