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Bridging the GapПример

Bridging the Gap

ДЕН 6 ОТ 7

Sexual Probity

Joseph was in charge of all of Potiphar’s business and household and he was determined not to betray the confidence that Potiphar had in him. When Potiphar’s wife sought to break his resolve, Joseph refused saying that it was a wicked thing to sin against God.

As Christians, we find ourselves surrounded by sexual temptations at our workplaces. This is not a surprise as we look, smell and act our best at work. With interactions increasing between men and women in the workplace, the struggle to be more like Jesus and maintain a Christian testimony has become harder than before.

To guard against allegations of sexual misconduct that had waylaid Christian leaders before, Billy Graham and his team drew up the ‘Modesto Manifesto’. Billy Graham pledged not to eat, travel or meet with a woman other than his wife unless other people were present. It would be wise to adhere to a ‘Modesto Manifesto’ in our work spheres.

The more involved you are in serving Christ, the greater interest Satan has in destroying you. Satan desires to destroy us and set us up as bad examples. Not all of us can run away from our workplaces amid sexual temptation like Joseph. But setting ground rules as the Modesto Manifesto at work, acts as a hedge to protect our hearts and enables us to worship God through our work and at work.

If you are sharing intimate secrets with colleagues about your marriage or spouse, you need to stop. If you are in doubt whether your conduct is inappropriate, then use the following test: if you have to lie about it, don’t do it.

We spend the largest part of our waking hours at work with the opposite sex and the Lord desires that we serve Him at our workplaces. Purity in the workplace makes us great examples to colleagues and subordinates. Moral failures only diminish our testimony. When we are of sexual probity, we become God’s vessels to bless our colleagues, superiors and subordinates and can witness to them about our holy God.

Lord, help us to walk circumspectly and not as fools.


Ден 5Ден 7

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