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Relationship Status: SingleПример

Relationship Status:  Single

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Paradigm Shift:

The idea had been planted in my mind many times over, "Enjoy yourself … enjoy this time that you have to yourself." But how could I possibly do that when I felt like a large part of me was missing? I believed nothing could fill that void until I met the man I longed for. Somehow, his arrival would break the sadness that lingered in my heart and usher in unspeakable joy. My single state seemed like an affliction, with glimpses of hope here and there. But the rays of hope quickly faded as I lay in the ruins of yet another failed relationship.

Perhaps you can relate to this or know someone going through this phase. You want to find love—not just any love, but the right love, and until you find it, you don't feel like you can fully enjoy the life you have. I’ve seen many singles resign to a pit of despair as their hope of finding love seems more distant each year. How can anyone expect you to be truly happy while carrying an unfulfilled dream? After years of feeling frustrated because I had no one to share my life with, I came to a crossroads ten years ago.

I finally realized that I had two options: I could go through this stage of my life either happy or unhappy; the choice was mine.

Instead of misery, I chose joy because the Bible teaches us to rejoice in all circumstances. I also decided to discover the positive things about this season and maximize them. With my new outlook, I began to see one benefit: I had time. Time to pursue my career, travel, spend time with family and friends, and time to deepen my relationship with God.

The Bible teaches us that there is a time for everything. If you are single, this is your time, but it will come to an end one day. In the meantime, you need to make good use of the time you have been given.

It all begins with a paradigm shift. We need to change our thinking if we are to experience the joy in this season and discover the unique gifts that can only be found in this stage of our lives. Don't put your life or happiness on hold because you are waiting for the next season.

Are you making the most of your single life?

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