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Anchorage: The Storm of Sickness | Part 6 of 8Пример

Anchorage: The Storm of Sickness | Part 6 of 8

ДЕН 1 ОТ 7

Your Suffering Is Not Without Purpose

Sometimes we tend to blame our sickness upon ourselves. We feel like we brought this on ourselves because of our sins. But that is mostly not the case. There is more to sickness than sin.

The widow who fed Elijah during the drought was under the impression that it was her sin that brought sickness upon her son. The disciples asked Jesus something similar when He restored the sight of the blind man. But the resounding answer in both instances is the same: that the glory of God should be revealed through them. And so it was! Imagine how powerful the testimony of the widow who saw her son healed from a deadly sickness or a man who was blind from birth receiving his sight would have been to those who were around them. This is the beauty of the God we serve. He can turn our worst situations into something so amazing that the momentary suffering we would have had to go through becomes worth it. Every test therefore produces a testimony. And our assurance is that God is always in control. In sickness and in health, He remains the same. He will meet us at the perfect moment to turn our sorrow into joy and yield a testimony that can bless and encourage many others. God is faithful, hold fast to Him.


Pray that the Lord would strengthen you to deal with times of sickness, so that such a moment of testing can lead you to a greater testimony of the goodness of God!

Ден 2

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