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Am I Doing This Right?Пример

Am I Doing This Right?

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Sometimes, we can think of the Bible as an ancient textbook that has no relevance to our modern-day society. How could such an old text give us wisdom in a day when we have iPhones? When we can Zoom our faces across the world anywhere at any time? The Bible and Proverbs give us wisdom for all ages, times, and nations. Proverbs is a book that speaks principles that are timeless, it is wisdom that works.

The book of Proverbs is called a "collection of collections," as it is the compilation of writings from various known and unknown authors, both Israelites, and non-Israelites. As we are reading the Wisdom books, Proverbs, Job, and Ecclesiastes, we must remember that in the Jewish culture, 'Wise men' were on the same level as the Prophet and Priest. These educated people were highly regarded in society at that time and were called upon to give advice to the king and instruct the young. They were responsible for creating and preserving wisdom. There were Wise Men throughout Israel and the neighboring countries of the Middle East (Egypt and Mesopotamia), and the Bible speaks about these wise men with respect.

Proverbs is a collection of instructions based on observations and experiences of life. They are not unconditional promises. These writings are guidelines about how to behave well and live correctly and general 'laws of life.' They operate on the principle that consequences follow actions: you reap what you sow.

The Hebrew word - masal - which is translated as proverb, basically means a comparison. Proverbs is comparing the life that honors God - Lady wisdom, with the life that follows their own ways - Folly. So, as you read it, note down these two paths in your Bible.

Proverbs give practical life examples, wisdom on relationships, money, character, integrity, and so much more. So, jump in with us as we adventure through the text. A great way to read Proverbs is one chapter a day. With 31 days, you will finish in one month!

Scripture: Proverbs 1-7

Prayer Point: Lord, as I read Proverbs, I pray for your wisdom and guidance. I pray that this would be a collection of "things to do," not just sayings in my life. As you show me, help me to correct my behavior.

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Относно този план

Am I Doing This Right?

Journey with us as we explore what wisdom looks like in partnership with Jesus! We want you to be empowered to cultivate a strong and healthy mind, body, and soul. Read along as we walk through the book of Proverbs and practically look at our daily life according to Jesus and His Kingdom.
