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Hope for Police OfficersПример

Hope for Police Officers

ДЕН 1 ОТ 7

The Call

As a former law enforcement officer and a police chaplain I understand you face many challenges as a cop. I get it, I’ve been there.

Underappreciated, you deal with high pressure, shift work, and people who hate you. Yet, you chose this career because you have a love for keeping the peace. Easier jobs don’t provide the satisfaction you gain from watching over your city and helping the public feel safe. So, you press on in spite of the dangers.

Jesus himself loved justice (Luke 18:7-8) and knows what you’re going through. Whether it feels this way or not, your job is a calling. It takes a unique individual to fill the role of a cop.

As a role model, your character must be above reproach. Yet every day, you’re faced with decisions that test your moral convictions and integrity. Be encouraged, you’re not alone—even Christ was tempted. Following his example, you too can resist the urge to compromise, remaining the man or woman for whom your city can be proud.

The world is filled with citizens who can recall that special police officer who impacted their life in a positive manner. The officer who encouraged the fearful, defended those stripped of safety, or brought comfort to those feeling victimized.

You have a gift that can bring glory to God, and as 1 Peter 4:10 says, it must be used. God has given you a lot of power to make a lasting change in hundreds of individuals. With His help and hope, you can make a lasting impression in someone’s life today.

Ден 2

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