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22 Days of PeaceПример

22 Days of Peace

ДЕН 14 ОТ 22

The Prince of Peace

These verses bring us back to the time of year we celebrate Christmas. The prophecy of the birth of Jesus. We think of Jesus in the terms at the beginning of the verse that says that he is a child who is born to us. However, as you read further, the language changes to something that departs from our Christmas tradition and the image of a baby in a manger. That image changes when we see the government is on His shoulder and start to see the names attributed to Him. He is all of those things to us, isn’t He? He is wonderful! He has counseled us so many times when we didn’t have the answers. He is mighty and cares for us with the heart of a father. The last name given is one that uniquely speaks to Jesus as the Son; Prince of Peace. He is the one who has purchased our redemption on the cross. In His blood, we now have peace with God and in Him find peace with others. Not only that, because Jesus has won the ultimate victory and rules forever we have peace in knowing that everything will turn out right. That is why verse seven says the increase of His government and peace will be unending. Jesus’ reign is perpetual and with His rule comes peace. The battle has been won and now that it is over Jesus rules with peace. We see this rule expand every time someone comes into the kingdom of God and out of the kingdom of darkness. Now they have peace. We also see this when we enforce the authority of God’s kingdom in prayer and in our declarations and actions. The kingdom influence expands and the peace of God rushes in where there was confusion and chaos. It will continue to grow until the day that Jesus, the Prince of Peace, comes again and wraps up our time on the earth. In the new heaven and earth, we will see His rule and peace continue into eternity. What a thought! If there is a war against you, troubling thoughts, sickness, finances being devoured or any other work of the enemy then take authority and declare the word of God over that situation. Don’t let up in your declaration and prayer until you can see the victory Christ already won manifested in your life.


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22 Days of Peace

Welcome to 22 Days of Peace! We all need peace in our lives, but the world is trying to rob us of it. Maybe you’ve been missing peace. Peace is a gift from God that He wants to give to you! Our prayer is that, as you go through this devotional, you will find the missing peace that you were looking for as God gives it to you.
