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7 Things to Do Every Day to Stay Spiritually StrongПример

7 Things to Do Every Day to Stay Spiritually Strong

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Be Refilled With the Holy Spirit 

The seventh thing you need to do every day to stay spiritually strong is to pray to be refilled with the Holy Spirit. Being continually filled with the Holy Spirit is an essential habit for believers to practice, and we see a clear example of this throughout the life of the apostle Paul. 

A Fresh Supply of the Spirit 

Paul had personally experienced the empowering presence of the Holy Spirit on many occasions. On one of those occasions, he was confined to a dark, dank prison cell in the city of Rome. From there he wrote to the Philippian believers and said, “For I know that this shall turn to my salvation through your prayer, and the supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ” (Philippians 1:19). 

The word “supply” here is the Greek word epichorégia, and it describes an outrageously large contribution. This word was only used one other time in history. Paul knew about its original meaning and chose it for that reason. 

In the ancient world, there was once a huge choral group that had been preparing and training diligently to take their show on the road. And just when it was time for them to begin performing, the director of the group informed everyone that they were out of money, and the production came to a standstill. A very wealthy man heard about their situation and learned how discouraged and defeated the choral members felt. Moved with compassion, he came forward and made a huge contribution on behalf of the choir — which in Greek is the word epichorégia. He gave so much money to the group that when they received his contribution, it empowered them to take their show back on the road and perform, and they were re-energized.

Paul was telling us in Philippians 1:19 that when we’re in a dark, discouraging moment and it seems as though we’re totally depleted of strength and resources to go on, it is the perfect moment to be refilled with the Holy Spirit! Jesus was Paul’s wealthy benefactor, and He is our wealthy benefactor too! He stands ready, willing, and able to refill you with the fullness of His Spirit and to empower and re-energize you. That’s what you need, and it is yours for the asking. 

So to stay strong spiritually every day, pray to be refilled with the Holy Spirit. Whatever dark, difficult place you’re in, it’s no match for the power of Jesus! It’s time for you to say, “Lord Jesus, I need a new infilling of the Holy Spirit. I welcome You to be my wealthy benefactor who steps forward at this very moment and provides me with an enormous spiritual contribution that picks me up and puts me back on the road to my destiny in You. I ask this in Your Name Jesus, Amen!”

We adapted this Plan from another resource. Learn More about 7 Things To Do Every Day To Stay Spiritually Strong.  

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7 Things to Do Every Day to Stay Spiritually Strong

Do you want to be spiritually strong now and for the rest of your Christian life? In this 7-day plan, Rick Renner shares 7 things he does every day to ensure he stays spiritually strong. These steps are easy to put into practice immediately to see a change in your life. So don’t hesitate to begin — this could be your first step toward the change you’ve been waiting for!
