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Walking in the TruthПример

Walking in the Truth

ДЕН 5 ОТ 12

The truth will set you free

Although most people may not be aware of it, all humans are born as slaves to sin. They are spiritually dead, and their mind and will have been affected by sin. Their view of reality has been distorted and they don’t even realize how desperate their situation is, because they are entangled in Satan’s lies.

But God “desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.” (1 Timothy 2:4) Jesus Christ became man to make this possible. He has opened the way back to God by dying in our place, and He has preached the Gospel to make people aware of their sin and God’s offer of forgiveness.

Understanding and accepting the truth that we humans have a massive problem that can only be solved by Jesus’ atoning death, is the only way towards real freedom. Jesus can set us free from the bondage to sin and sinful habits. He can deliver us from the domain of darkness that is controlled by Satan, and transfer us to the kingdom of light that is controlled by Jesus.

Have you been set free by the truth?

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Относно този план

Walking in the Truth

The Bible is a multi-faceted book that covers many different topics. One topic that stands out, is “truth”. Many people are seeking truth or debating whether ultimate truth exists. This Reading Plan studies what the Bible says about truth, and what implications this has for our daily lives.


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