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10 Scriptures To Help You Stick It Out In MinistryПример

10 Scriptures To Help You Stick It Out In Ministry

ДЕН 9 ОТ 10

I remember it like it was yesterday. Early one Sunday morning the announcement was made for a special business meeting to discuss the future of my husband, Jeff. Only a few knew the announcement was coming, and when it came, it shook the whole congregation.

The next thing I knew it was time to lead that same congregation in worship even though the last thing I felt like doing was singing. I wanted to scream, cry, throw things, anything but stand on a stage and lead worship. The ministry we poured our lives into was falling apart, and the people we had loved and led for years were pulling away. My heart was in pieces. In that dark, painful moment, God brought to mind this gentle whisper to my soul: Consider this an opportunity for joy, my daughter.

JOY? For real, Lord? I’m supposed to choose JOY right now?

Joy is a choice. It's choosing to see the goodness of God in the midst of my circumstances. Choosing joy is seeing God's plan beyond my temporary pain. Things may be falling apart now, but this “light and momentary struggle is achieving for me an eternal glory” that far outweighs everything I'm going through. This testing of my faith will produce endurance, character, strength and trust. But it’s so painful during the process.

Looking back, I see that God used this trial to change me. Was I singing for the attention of people or the applause of God? Was I doing ministry in my own strength or fully relying on God to accomplish His work through me? On that day I learned a great lesson: I can choose joy because His approval is all I need. And looking back, I know that my faith has been made stronger because of it.

On that dark day I stood on the platform, closed my tear-filled eyes and chose to praise Him in my pain as I sang these lyrics with all my heart: Our God is greater, Our God is stronger, God, You are higher than any other!

And with each word, my joy increased and my faith went to a new level. That, my friends, is why we can choose joy!

We must choose joy.

Looking back at the hard times, how has God used them for good in your life now? How can you intentionally choose joy today?

By Stephanie Shouse


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10 Scriptures To Help You Stick It Out In Ministry

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