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Barriers to Making Wise Decisions Пример

Barriers to Making Wise Decisions

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Barriers to Making Wise Decisions Part V

 In a Harvard Business Review article, Mike Erwin identified six reasons that can lead to poor decisions. Yesterday we looked at multi-tasking. Today we’ll look at the fifth reason: emotions.

As a young trainee in banking, I was presenting loan requests to the bank’s CEO. When I realized that he was in a foul mood, I moved my toughest loan request from the top of my stack to the bottom. 

He noticed and asked why. When I fearfully told this CEO why I rearranged them he changed the subject and told a joke. 

Then he said, “Now show me the bottom loan.” 

Proverbs 16:32 teaches, “Better a patient person than a warrior, one with self-control than one who takes a city.”

When emotions are getting the better of you, practice and exercise self-control before making a major decision.


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