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Preparing Your Heart To LeadПример

Preparing Your Heart To Lead

ДЕН 17 ОТ 28

The best way to lead others is to serve others

The fitness classes at the gym were packed that Saturday. A quick glance around the room registered everyone from senior citizens to teenagers to the fittest athlete. The instructor began moving to the music and within minutes the group was united, even with the varying levels of ages and ability.

At one point, the instructor stopped moving and began to shout out the instructions. While the class clearly heard the directions, one by one they stopped moving. While they had the capacity to accomplish the task alone, they were more confident when the instructor worked alongside them. Simply saying what to do next wasn’t isn’t enough. They were lost without a leader doing the same work.

Matthew 20:20-28 reminds us that leadership isn’t simply shouting orders. Jesus says, “… just as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve…” While the mother requested her sons be granted high positions of leadership without the work attached, Jesus responded that true leadership comes from serving others. Jesus set this example. He did the hard work. He labored and He humbled himself. He set an example that encouraged others to follow, rather than simply giving orders and demanding obedience. 

True leadership is found in serving others. What this looks like will vary according to the situation, but the ultimate goal of a servant’s heart is to do our work with the aim of glorifying God. 


  • Think about the best leaders you’ve worked alongside. How did those leaders serve you and others well? What can you learn from their example?
  • What does it communicate to the people we lead when we serve them well? What does it communicate when we don’t?
  • What’s one way you can serve the people in your group?


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Относно този план

Preparing Your Heart To Lead

What makes a good leader? God cares about character, not skill sets. When God was picking someone to lead His people, He had to remind them, ".. man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart” (1 Samuel 16:7). Who you are is more important than what you do. In this study, you'll learn that leading your group well starts by preparing your heart.
