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Insights From IsaiahПример

Insights From Isaiah

ДЕН 16 ОТ 28

A Saviour With Four Titles

This is one of the most loved prophecies of Jesus' coming. We often hear it at Christmas time (though often with vs. 3, 4, 5 left out). Lets look at each of the verses and how they relate to Jesus.

v.2. When He opened the eyes of the blind, Jesus identified Himself as the light of the world. John identified Jesus as the light that shines into the darkness and cannot be overcome.

v.3-5.The Midianites were defeated by Gideon's small army of 300 soldiers armed with lanterns, clay pots, and trumpets. In the same unexpected way, the birth of a child would bring about the end of violence and war.

v.6. When Jesus stood before Pontius Pilate, (John 18) Pilate asked Him if He was a king. Jesus answered by saying that His Kingdom was not of this world. It is not a socio-political kingdom, but one of the heart. It is a kingdom where people's hearts are transformed and set free. It is a kingdom that has seen lives and communities impacted for nearly 2000 years as people have lived lives of love and grace in the name of Christ and have died with the name of Christ on their lips.

While on earth Jesus was the WONDERFUL COUNSELLOR who made truth, hope, love and forgiveness come alive as He taught and forgave. When He ascended into heaven, He sent the Holy Spirit to continue being our Counsellor.

Jesus showed that He was more than just a good guru when He healed the sick and rose from the dead. He is the MIGHTY GOD who conquered brokenness, sin, death and Satan.

He revealed the EVERLASTING FATHER. In John 14 and 17, He made it clear that He and the Father are One and that He has revealed the Father perfectly. To a confused Philip He says: "If you've seen me, you've seen the Father." (John 14:9)

He is the PRINCE OF PEACE. Paul puts it best: "Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ." (Romans 5:1) Not world peace (which never lasts long) but peace with God, and when we all find peace with God, we will find peace with one another and peace in the world.

This beautiful prophecy is not only fulfilled, but FILLED out by Jesus. Let's worship His majesty!  


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Относно този план

Insights From Isaiah

This Bible reading plan provides some insights from the book of Isaiah. Rather than a sequential journey through the songs, prophecies, and accounts that make up this book that spans a time-frame of about 220 years, we're going to jump around and pick up some of the beautiful promises and challenges in it. I'll provide the historical context where it's needed.
