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Anxiety About WorkПример

Anxiety About Work

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Anxiety about getting it all done

Mary and Martha worked together to provide hospitality to those who visited their home. A visit one evening from Jesus and his friends threw Martha into an anxious state. Would she be able to get it all done? Would the guests be happy? Her worry moved her to complain to Jesus: “Lord, don’t you care that my sister has left me to do all the work myself?” 

In response, Jesus shifted the conversation from the sisters’ task load to the sisters’ relationship with him. “You are worried and upset about many things, but few things are needed – or indeed only one. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.” Jesus declined to task manage between Mary and Martha. Instead he put the spotlight back on himself. Without minimizing Martha’s generous service, Jesus pointed out that the “one thing” Martha needed most was to be rooted in her relationship with him. 

Jesus’ love would be the only way the sisters could complete their work in peacefulness and joy. Because she hadn’t taken time to sit at Jesus’ feet, Martha was an anxious wreck.

Martha’s work was important, just as your work today is important too. But unless you ground yourself in Jesus’ love for you, your important work will breed anxiety. When you feel yourself getting wound up, take a moment with Jesus. Take ten deep breaths, or call a friend to pray with you. Once you focus on the one most important thing (Jesus) your task list will be less stress provoking. You may even be able to discern what’s most essential on your list today, and what can wait for tomorrow.

For many people, performance is a source of identity. When your identity centers around your ability to get things done, you only feel good when you’re busy, and any inevitable delays make you feel terrible. You may stress about what others will think of you if you don’t get it all done perfectly. If this is you, ask Jesus to give you a different identity, based on relationship with him.

Prayer: God, I am anxious and worried about many things, but you are all that I need. Help me focus on you first. Amen.

Option for Further Exploration: Read more about Mary and Martha in the Theology of Work Bible Commentary .


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Относно този план

Anxiety About Work

Work gives you plenty of opportunities to be anxious. You might worry about getting it all done, about success vs failure, or about bosses and coworkers. None of these anxieties are surprises to God. They all find precedents – and hope – in the Bible.
