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Colossians: Alive In Christ Пример

Colossians: Alive In Christ

ДЕН 12 ОТ 24

The trappings of outward religion such as buildings, ceremonies, clothing, festivals and rules can make people feel spiritual. They help people to know where to go, what to do and when to do it. This is why the world’s religions are full of such things. However, Paul makes clear here: be wary of them! They have nothing to do with life in Jesus Christ (v. 16). Even if the Old Testament made such things necessary for a season, they were only shadows of things to come (v. 17). The only thing that matters now is Christ (v. 17). Beware, then, of becoming focused on the outward trappings and organisational details of your local church! The one thing that really matters is Christ. 

Be wary too of another form of religion: the reported experiences of self-important spiritual leaders (v. 18). Some will boast of what God has told them or showed them, and may even speak about angelic visitations. This can have a seductive power and draw crowds, but in reality these very leaders may themselves have drifted from Christ as their experiences have subtly started to replace Christ as the centre of their faith. 

The shocking message here is that all forms of religion are, without Christ, worldly (v. 22). They may seem spiritual but they don’t really deal with sin (v. 23) and can only give us superficial rules – ‘Do not handle! Do not taste! Do not touch!’ (v. 21). A Christ-filled life, though, is a new life that no longer belongs to the things of this world (v. 20). It’s a life that has died and been raised with Christ (see 2:12) and now reigns with him. It’s a life built not upon man’s self-made religion but on Christ alone. In summary, don’t run after man’s religion, but, rather, get life from Christ. 


1. What trappings of religion have you seen in your experience? How can these things replace Christ?

2. Why won't man-made rules and regulations deal with the problem of sin? What deals with the problem of sin?


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Относно този план

Colossians: Alive In Christ

Colossians is jam–packed with great truths about Jesus. It’s a heart–warming, challenging and potentially life–changing book. In these 24 devotions Andy Mason shows us that we are made alive in Christ, and that Christian growth comes from actively remembering Christ’s supremacy over all things. Each devotion concludes with reflection questions that will challenge us to let God’s Word change our lives.
