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30K 30 Day Challenge

ДЕН 26 ОТ 30

Your Amazing Bible: Continuing in the Word

In John 15, Jesus said, "Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me" (v. 4).

When Christians have problems in life, the root problem is usually that they're failing to genuinely seek the Lord through daily devotional time in the Word and in prayer. But when you abide in Christ, everything in life will naturally fall into place.

To abide in Christ means to maintain a constant, living communion with the Lord, with His words at home in you. This sort of consistent exposure to the Bible with a consistent desire to obey it will do more for your Christian walk than any other thing I can think of.

So my exhortation to you is to continue in the truth. Whatever you have to do, make it a daily habit to be alone with the Father and feed on the Word. Make His Word your priority in times of delight as well as times of distress. It's the primary way you'll hear from Him.

Think It Through

Read John 15:1-10. What can you do without Jesus? What happens when you abide in Him, according to this passage?

How does Psalm 1:1-3 describe the person who continually meditates on the Bible?

What's the biggest challenge you face when it comes to abiding in Christ? What have you learned from the 30K 30-Day Challenge that you can apply?

A Word of Encouragement

When you persevere in reading, understanding, and applying the Word, you'll find that you're able to persevere in life. So when you lose your job, the doctor says it's cancer, or somebody leaves you in a relationship, you won't be crushed—you'll resort to a promise of Scripture that holds you firm.


Father, I pray that You would create in me a hunger and a thirst to know more of Your Word. Please help me abide in You through personal devotional time in prayer and studying the Bible—and help me persevere in making the time to do so. I pray that Your Word would become more alive to me than ever before.

Land and Explore

Next to Bible study, prayer is one of the most vital disciplines of the Christian life. Download Drawing Near, Pastor Skip's teaching series on prayer.

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Относно този план

30K 30 Day Challenge

Investing yourself in the Word of God is the best thing you can do for your personal walk with the Lord. And the more you get to know your Bible, the more you get to know your God. The 30K 30 Day Challenge will launch you into the pages of the New Testament with thirty days of supercharged study, giving you a greater grasp of Scripture.
