Dwell | ProverbsУзор

Dwell | Proverbs


Explore the Deep Waters


Hi, this is Jon, and welcome to Dwell.

For the next few minutes, I invite you to join me as we recenter upon the Lord by opening our hearts to hear from him through the words of Scripture.

Thanks for joining us.


As we begin, let's sit in silence for a moment, seeking to be attentive to the presence of God, the one in whom we live and move and have our being.


Now listen as I read Proverbs 20:5 over you.

The purposes of a person’s heart are deep waters, but one who has insight draws them out.(NIV)


Today's passage from Proverbs 20 shows us there is a depth to our being that is often unknown to ourselves. It is entirely possible to go through the whole of our lives without ever diving beneath the surface. Yet Proverbs reminds us of a profound truth: great wisdom is found in our willingness to do the hard work of exploring the deep waters of our soul.

All of this reminds me of the line from Basil the Great, one of the early church's most significant and influential leaders. He once said in a sermon, “Be attentive to yourself, that you may be attentive to God.”

That may sound strange. How does being attentive to yourself lead to being attentive to God? Here's how it works - when we get in tune with our deeper selves, we are temporarily freed from the surface activity of our lives, which opens us up to God's nearness within us.

Remember what St. Paul said - we are living temples of the Holy Spirit. God lives within us. So Basil's call for self-awareness isn't self-centered but rather aimed at recognizing God's presence in our lives.

All of this means that you cannot fully engage with God without engaging with yourself. Becoming self-attentive, though, requires patience and kindness. Patience, as we orient ourselves to these uncharted waters, and kindness, as we encounter our shallow, sinful layers. We all have them, but it's important not to let those shallow layers drive you into discouragement or shame. Simply bring them to Christ, the merciful one, remembering that Christ drives out all darkness by his light and love.

Learning self-attentiveness is a transformative process. The more we grow in understanding ourselves, the more we are molded into the likeness of Christ, and that's a process we can count on.

Active Response

Now, in response, let's once again linger in silence with God's word and this reflection upon our hearts. Try to stay alert to any nudging or prompting you may have by the Holy Spirit.

Closing Prayer

Gracious Lord, guide us in the journey to the depths of our hearts so that in knowing ourselves better, we may draw nearer to you. Strengthen us with patience and kindness as we explore. And Lord, mold us more and more into the likeness of Christ. Amen.


Now, go in peace, and let the word of Christ dwell in you richly.

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Dwell | Proverbs

Proverbs offers timeless wisdom for daily living, inviting us to walk in the way of righteousness and integrity. This collection of sayings provides practical advice on living a life pleasing to God and as a blessing to others. In this plan, the team at Dwell leads you through seven of the most impactful Proverbs, encouraging you to embrace the timeless wisdom of God and apply it to your everyday life.
