Real Hope: ProverbsУзор

Real Hope: Proverbs


Joyful Heart

Proverbs was written to impart wisdom to its readers but wisdom isn’t just another word meaning knowledge or understanding. It goes further and looks at the practical application of this knowledge in our lives and the world we live in.

In this proverb, the word ‘heart’ is referring to someone’s inner self, thoughts, emotions and will. It encompasses the very centre of our inner life and as such our ‘heart’ affects every single part of our existence. We all know intrinsically how different we feel when we’re having a good day and, on those days when joy is hard to find, how difficult it can be to get through the day.

None of us are debating the truth of this observation into the human condition. But what changes this from knowledge to wisdom, from an observation to some kind of practical benefit?

The answer lies in the root of joy. This proverb helpfully tells us that joy is healing but what it fails to tell us is how we can go about learning to live with a joyful heart. Thankfully, scripture is full of other passages that help us answer this question. In John 16:22 Jesus says to His disciples, ‘So also you have sorrow now, but I will see you again, and your hearts will rejoice, and no one will take your joy away from you’ (NET).

Joy is a characteristic of God’s people, it is found in God’s presence, it is His gift to us as we walk this journey – it is ‘good medicine’. If ever we are finding it hard to live in the truth of this proverb, let’s remember that joy is found in the presence of God, and in His presence ‘there is fulness of joy’ (Psalm 16:11 ESV).

Written by LUCY WEIL

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Real Hope: Proverbs

Trusting in the Lord, a joyful heart, wisdom, humility, and hard work – these are all characteristics that would make our lives better. The book of Proverbs is full of these examples and so many more. This bible plan includes just a handful of topics covered in Proverbs, but dive in for some Godly instruction that will help you in your everyday life.
