Among LionsУзор

Among Lions

ДЗЕНЬ 27 З 30

CONTEXT: Daniel describes the four beasts in his dream.

Have you ever had a dream that stuck with you long after waking up? Maybe you felt scared or anxious as you tried to understand it. Or maybe it was just too crazy to even put into words. That’s exactly where Daniel finds himself.

In his dream, he sees four beasts, unlike any beast or animal on earth. Daniel repeatedly uses the word “like” to describe what he saw because the images were indescribable. First, he describes a beast “like” a lion with wings “like” an eagle. The wings get torn off, and the lion stands on two legs. The second beast was “like” a bear with three ribs in its mouth. The third beast was “like” a leopard with four heads and four wings on its back. The final beast Daniel saw was different than anything he’d ever seen. He can only describe it as terrifying, frightening, and very powerful, with iron teeth and ten horns.

As Daniel tries to record his dream, he discovers that the things of heaven push our earthly language to its breaking point.

Many of us struggle to accept this. As humans, we want to understand the majesty and complexity of God. We try to confine God to a box our minds can understand and explain. But there is no way our limited human knowledge can fully comprehend or explain an infinite God. His mysteries are far too great.

Maybe you are at a loss for words when describing what God’s done for you. You hesitate to share your story because you don’t have the language to adequately illustrate the extreme love, forgiveness, and healing He’s brought to your life. Even the mysteries God allows us to experience can leave us speechless. Daniel did his best to find the words to describe the indescribable.


1. What was the most unexplainable thing you’ve ever experienced?

2. When you consider God’s mysteries, do you struggle to accept the things you can’t explain or don’t understand? What would it look like for you to trust God with the unexplainable?

3. Write a prayer sharing any struggles you have accepting the unexplainable parts of His plan, purpose, and/or timing. It might be hard, but be honest with any hurt, anger, or resentment you might be carrying towards God in this area.

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