The First Letter of JohnУзор

The First Letter of John

ДЗЕНЬ 23 З 28

There Is No Fear in Love

The word ‘perfected’ in Greek also means ‘to complete - to finish once and for all’. Jesus used this word on the cross, and John is saying that when love completes its work in us, the result is for us to have full confidence before God because “as Christ is, so are we in this world.” In this world already. Not one day in heaven, but now in this world. We may not yet be perfect, but the love of God inside us is perfect. And because of that love, we do not fear judgment or anything else. The perfect, complete love of God casts out every single one of our fears.

Devotional Question:

What is my greatest fear? In what way do I need to experience God’s love for that fear to start melting away? Pray that God’s love will start healing that old wound, and that He will wash away all the fear that grew around that scar.

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The First Letter of John

1 John is one of the most quoted books of the Bible, and for a good reason: John understood God’s love in a special way. As we explore the pages of this book, let that be our main goal: to understand the love of God better and better, and to grow closer to Him.
