Holy Spirit DevotionalУзор

Holy Spirit Devotional

ДЗЕНЬ 10 З 14


In Acts 1:8, right as Jesus was about to go up Heaven after His resurrection, He leaves the disciples with these last words, “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” Jesus’ words in this passage teach us that when the Holy Spirit comes upon us, He not only gives us power, but empowers us to do what He’s called us to do. The word “power” here is translated from dunamis, which means a “miraculous power, a mighty wonderful work, ability and strength.” When the Holy Spirit comes on us with His power, its to empower us for a wonderful work—power for performing miracles! This was true for the prophets throughout the Old Testament like Micah who was filled with power from the Spirit of God to boldly declare Israel’s sin and rebellion. The same thing happened with Peter in Acts 4:8 as he proclaims Jesus as the Messiah to the Sanhedrin [Jewish Council] after being empowered by the Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit desires to do the same thing with us today—to empower us in dunamis to fulfill the miracle work He has called us to complete!

In Luke 24:49, Jesus describes the Holy Spirit coming upon us like being “clothed with power from on high.” When Holy Spirit comes upon you, He is literally clothing you with His power. The language “clothing” here is significant, because it means that when Holy Spirit comes upon us in power, we can choose to remain clothed or take off His clothing. This implies that we have the choice of whether or not we will do what Holy Spirit is empowering us to do when He comes!

Take time to ask the Holy Spirit today whether or not you’re fully yielded to His empowerment. When God asks you do to something, is there a delay in your obedience? When you get that burning sensation in your heart to speak up, do you let the moment pass or do you speak and boldly declare what God is saying to you? We can ask for Holy Spirit to come in us with His power, but if we don’t respond in confidence and boldness, what was the point in the first place? The only limit placed on the infilling of Holy Spirit’s power is whether or not we yield to it and obey what He’s calling us to do.

Pray: Holy Spirit, highlight any areas of delay, hesitation, or resistance in my obedience to You. When You come in power, teach me how to obey quickly and move in boldness! Make my flesh and soul line up with the will of God. Holy Spirit, come in power in my life. Empower me to move in miracle working power as You choose. I love You, Holy Spirit! In Jesus’ name, amen.

Дзень 9Дзень 11