Managing Money as WorshipУзор

Managing Money as Worship


Day 2: Understanding Stewardship

Stewardship involves managing resources, such as time, talent, and money, on behalf of someone else. In Genesis 1:28, God entrusts humankind with the earth, making us stewards of His creation. When we recognize that our financial resources are not entirely our own, but entrusted to us by God, our perspective shifts. We begin to see the potential for honor and worship, and ultimately responsibility in how we manage these resources.

The Parable of the Talents is a powerful illustration of this principle. In the parable, the 3 servants are entrusted with varying amounts of money. Those who use their resources wisely are commended as “good and faithful” servants. This parable highlights an important aspect of stewardship: faithfulness. Managing money wisely is not just about growing wealth; it's an expression of faithfulness to God. It is a practical way to honor Him with what He has provided. Whether we have been entrusted with little or much, our responsibility is to manage it with integrity and wisdom. And as we do, we can make the day to day decisions with a heart of worship to our Father.

Let’s pray:

Dear Lord, please help me to understand the responsibility and honor that comes with managing the resources You have given me. I pray that I may be a good and faithful servant, using what I have with honesty and purpose. Please grant me the grace to be trustworthy with both small and large things, and to always remember that everything I have is Yours. When it comes to my finances, I ask that You guide me to always keep Your Kingdom in mind and honor You in all that I do.

In the Name of Jesus, I pray, Amen.

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Managing Money as Worship

Managing money can be more than just a necessity - it can also be an act of worship. But it is up to us to intentionally decide to make it an act of worship. In this plan we explore how to do just that! See you on day one!
