Seasons of Man Plan for Growing Godly Alpha MalesУзор

Seasons of Man Plan for Growing Godly Alpha Males


Good men,

Did you know God tells us in Genesis 2:24, "Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh." This verse speaks to the importance of marriage and the commitment that comes with it.

As men, we are called to leave our childhood homes and start our own families. This means taking on the responsibility of providing for our spouse and any children that may come along. It also means making a commitment to our spouse, to love and honor them for the rest of our lives.

Marriage is not always easy, but it is a beautiful and rewarding journey. It requires sacrifice, patience, and forgiveness. We must learn to communicate effectively with our spouses and work through any challenges that arise. We must also prioritize our marriage and make time for our spouse, even in the midst of busy schedules and other demands.

At the heart of marriage is the idea of becoming one flesh. This means that we are not two separate individuals, but rather a united team working towards a common goal. We must learn to support and encourage each other, and to work together to build a strong and healthy relationship.

Never neglect the importance of marriage in our lives. Commit to loving and honoring your spouse, and to working towards a strong and healthy marriage. Be confident that with God's help, we can overcome any obstacle and build a relationship that will last a lifetime.

If you are not married, this is also a great benchmark for respecting the holy sanctity of marriage. Respect other people’s marriages and as a good, Godly alpha male, never interfere or sabotage someone’s marriage.

With Love and Honor

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Seasons of Man Plan for Growing Godly Alpha Males

God never intended for strong alpha males of character to be associated with toxic or abusive characteristics. Dr. Scott Silverii and his sons share their hearts for being the man created by God in His image. Growing boys and men into that image with His character and nature of loving sacrifice requires purposeful discipleship. Sharing Bible principles taught to his young sons so they mature into the men God called them to be can encourage dads to do the same.
