The Process of a LeaderУзор

The Process of a Leader


Jesus and Sonship

Jesus Christ is our best example of what Christian leadership looks like. He is the one who suffered in our place and enabled us to become His brothers and sisters, God’s children! Before Jesus was High Priest, He was the Son of God. Before Jesus was the Savior, He was the Son of God, adored in heaven. Before Jesus was the miracle-worker on earth, He was the Son of God in heaven. From the place of sonship, Jesus was secure enough in who He was to do what He did and say what He said, even with the body and emotions of a human. His humanity was subject to the Spirit of God within Him. He is our example to follow! WOW! He was fully God and fully man, and His foremost identity was being His Father’s Son. You can’t read the Gospels and miss that! He was on a mission to reveal the Father!

His identity came solely from heaven, which is why His courage was so evident on earth. God the Father was “well pleased” before Jesus ever performed a miracle or preached a sermon. At His water baptism in Matthew 3:17 (NIV), from the place of sonship, hearing, “This is my son,” Jesus went out in courage to fulfill His calling with each new day’s assignments.

We must learn this incredible truth as leaders. Too many leaders today lead from a place of insecurity and fear, even though according to Romans 8:15 we are God’s own children! We all face it at times. I’ve spoken about it quite a bit in this book. I’ve seen it in my own life. I’ve seen it in the lives of others. Insecurity and fear will sabotage your leadership.

John 1 describes Jesus as being the life and the light of all mankind. He was before all things and in Him all things were created! Colossians 1:15 describes Him as the visible image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. He’s the firstborn of all creation because He’s bringing more children into God’s family! Hebrews 1:3-4 (ESV) describes Jesus as the heir of all things, Creator of all things, and the radiance of God’s glory! He was given a promise that He would purify people and then be given back His throne: “After making purification for sins, He sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high, having become as much superior to angels as the name He has inherited is more excellent than theirs.”

Jesus agreed to come, knowing that He would suffer in our place and take our blame. Jesus was promised by the Father that He would be given many brothers and sisters. We see that in John 17 very clearly. The victory that Jesus won for us enables us to live and walk in love. As leaders, this is incredibly important! How often does fear or a need to perform inhibit our leadership when love is trying to propel us forward?

When you walk in the mindset of fear, like Romans 8 speaks about, you’re not living in the truth of what Jesus won. Jesus came and died on that cross and rose from that grave so that you would no longer live as a fearful slave but as a child of God, Jesus’ brother or sister! This was the promise given to Him by the Father. God made good on that promise!

God the Father was well pleased with Jesus before He ever performed any miracles or preached any sermons. The same is true of you. Because of what Jesus has done in making you His brother or sister and allowing His nature to be seen in you, you too, are loved. You give God pleasure before you perform. Simply being God’s gives God pleasure. Before you preach a great sermon, perform perfectly as a CEO, COO, or executive pastor, before you do anything for God, God already looks upon you with incredible love. He’s proud of you because when He sees you, He sees Jesus!

Do you realize the power of this statement toward Jesus? God the Father showed His approval and pleasure before Jesus did any “ministering” or miracles or leading. What does this tell you? Jesus could operate without any insecurity in His ministry because, before He was a minster, He was a son—a beloved son!

How About You?

Have you let God affirm your identity as His child lately? Have you heard Him say, “This is my child in whom I am well pleased”? Have you let His love push out all insecurity and need for approval or affirmation from people? What about Jesus’ tender heart? Have you let the Father put that tender heart of grace in you?

Remember, you believe in God. It’s time you realize that He believes in you! There’s a promise in you! There’s a prophetic picture of your future! Rise up in faith and start taking steps in that direction!

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The Process of a Leader

This plan will empower readers with powerful biblical principles on leadership. From Joseph and Gideon to Jesus Himself, you will explore a variety of leaders in God’s Word and highlight the lessons we can learn from their decisions.
