A New Way to Be Human - Life in the SpiritУзор

A New Way to Be Human - Life in the Spirit


Never Alone

Have you ever felt alone?

When I look at today’s scripture, I’m reminded of the truth that David is considering. The omnipresence of our God – that God is everywhere. There is no escaping His presence.

“God, Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence? If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there.” Psalm 139:7-8

A bigger piece to this prayer makes our Scripture today so fascinating and adds a deeper relational level to our God. David says, “God, You have searched me and known me.” This means that God isn’t just everywhere but with you, personally. He knows you by name.

1 Corinthians 3:16 says, “Do you not know that you are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in you?”

The Spirit of God dwells in you, so He can have a relationship with you.

He is not just everywhere, always – He is with YOU always.

The Lord is in your midst here and now and forever. His dwelling place is with you forever. So wherever you go, wherever you are, you can know that the Spirit of Jesus is with you. That means in the morning, He is with you. In your quiet time, He is with you. In your lack of quiet time, He is with you. When you’re on a run, He is with you. He is with you when you are making breakfast and getting the kids ready. When you are lonely and don’t feel like yourself, He is with you. When you are at your best, He is with you. When you get a promotion, He is with you. When you lose your job, He is with you. When you’re on vacation, He is with you. When you're angry, He is with you. When you are crying yourself to sleep, and no one else knows, He is with you.

And not only is the Spirit of the living God with you, but He is also advocating for you, guiding you, leading you, examining your heart, and he never leaves you alone.

Let’s look back at the promise God makes with His people in Ezekiel 37:

“I will make a covenant of peace with them. It shall be an everlasting covenant with them. And I will set them in their land and multiply them, and will set my sanctuary in their midst forevermore. My dwelling place shall be with them, and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. Then the nations will know that I am the Lord who sanctifies Israel, when my sanctuary is in their midst forevermore.” Ezekiel 37:26-28

God promises to make His dwelling place with His people. And He holds fast to all of His promises.

His Spirit is our dwelling place. He is in our midst forever.

How comforting of a reminder is this today? To know that we are never really alone.

The Holy Spirit is within you. How are you receiving this truth today?

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A New Way to Be Human - Life in the Spirit

How effectively are you living for eternity? Are you living your life by the flesh or by the Spirit? We want to help you discover a new way to be human by introducing you to the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit gives us total access to Jesus. The Spirit of God will fill every void in your life.
