The God of Answered PrayersУзор

The God of Answered Prayers


You can trust Him to hear your prayers

There is a difference between the Father knowing something objectively and us inviting Him in to experience our lives with us. There’s a difference between Him knowing everything about us and us talking to Him as a friend about what’s going on so He can participate in our lives. Jesus wants to dwell inside us. Yeshua said, “Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and will dine with him, and he with Me” (Rev. 3:20). This happens primarily as we talk with God.

Even as Messiah told Father that His soul had become troubled, so too the Lord wants us to talk to Him about our lives. This dialogue between the Father and Yeshua in John 12:27 was the result of the weight Messiah was about to bear in dying for the sins of the world, which cannot be compared to the weight we bear—we bear only our own struggles; Jesus bore the weight of the sin of the whole world—but the point is still the same. Jesus opened His soul and emotions as He talked to His Father. God wants us to talk to Him about everything. He wants us to share our thoughts and emotions with Him. The apostle John felt so close to Jesus he leaned his head on Yeshua’s bosom (John 13:23). Yeshua wants us to feel the same way.

You don’t have to be afraid to tell God anything. Tell Him what angers you. Tell Him all about yourself. He knows already, but when you talk to Him, you’re going to build intimacy with Him, and He’s going to be pleased that you’ve opened your heart to Him. Read the Psalms. David was totally open and honest with God.

If you have a wrong attitude, the way to get cleansed and healed is to talk to Him about it. If you’re unsure of what step to take in life, the answer is to talk with God about it. If you need healing in a relationship, pour your heart out to the Lord. As you do, the Spirit of God is going to move deeper into your heart and gain greater possession of you. His Spirit will run more and more fully through you as you open up to Him.

Trust Him, dear one. Even when you can’t see what is happening, Father God is moving on your behalf.

You will trust because there is hope; yes, you will search about you, and you will look around and rest in safety.

—Job 11:18

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The God of Answered Prayers

“Why does it feel like God is not listening to me? I’m heartbroken and need to be fixed.” This is the secret cry lingering in so many people’s hearts today, and if you fit this description, then this devotional is for you. Within just 3-days, this plan by Rabbi Kirt Schneider will help you see a different perspective of how God views our prayers.
