Remembering JesusУзор

Remembering Jesus


“It is finished.” These are the words Jesus spoke just before He gave up His Spirit to the Father. Those who witnessed this may have thought He just meant His life was over, but Jesus meant much more than that.

With the fall of man, sin entered the world, leading to separation from God. The Israelites made yearly animal sacrifices to cover their sins for years, but it was never enough to remove them. The law, their works, only covered over sin. Only One had the power to completely remove the stain of sin and cancel the power it held over man.

When Jesus spoke, “it is finished,” He was establishing that there no longer remained the need for any other sacrifice. He did it once and for all! Once and for all, He fulfilled the law and established a new covenant through His blood! We now have access to enter the holy places through the new and living way, the blood and body of Jesus (Hebrews 10:19-22).

As we enter through remembrance of His body and blood today, let us thank Him for the abundance of life and gifts that He has granted us through His death. Remember, we are justified, sanctified, made completely holy, given peace with God, completely reconciled to Him in a union, and so much more, all through Jesus! (Romans 5:1-2, 9-11) This is good news to remember and proclaim today!

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Remembering Jesus

Through His death, burial and resurrection, Jesus accomplished far more than simply acquiring a way for us to go to heaven when we die. In this devotional, we are going to look at what Jesus accomplished and the importance of remembrance through communion. Join us in Remembering Jesus.
