

ДЗЕНЬ 10 З 15

We encourage you to have a separate notebook for studying the scriptures. This will help you in your memorization, understanding, and in your daily obedience unto God (Deuteronomy 17: 18-19)

1. Questions to the text?

·Who was baptized?

·Who baptized?

·When were they baptized?

·Why were they baptized?

2. Read the entire passage carefully.

3. Try to retell from memory what you read, if you are in a group, have your friends listen and complement you if you have missed something.

4. Rewrite the key verse or verses in the notebook for writing (you will find it next after the passage to read.)

5. Write in free form in your own words what exactly you understood from the text (below the key verse, in a notebook).

6. Make use of the text by answering one or more of the following questions:

What should I remember?

What should I understand differently?

What or to whom should I change my attitude?

What specific actions should I take and in what situations shall I take action?

7.With whom would I like to share my discoveries?

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