The Last Words of Jesus: A Lenten DevotionalУзор

The Last Words of Jesus: A Lenten Devotional


Reflection 5: The Family

Read: John 19:25-27

As Jesus hung on the cross, nearing death, His ministry as the Son of God was almost complete. But as an earthly son, He still had one final task to accomplish: taking care of His mother, Mary. His earthly father Joseph was last mentioned in the Bible when Jesus was 12 years old (Lk. 2:44-48), so it’s likely Joseph died before the crucifixion.

Therefore, as the oldest son, it was Jesus’ responsibility to act as the head of the household and to take care of His mother. Because He wouldn’t be able to take care of Mary on Earth anymore, He followed the fifth commandment to “Honor your father and mother” (Eph. 6:2) and made arrangements to make sure Mary would be taken care of.

From the cross, Jesus entrusted His mother to His disciple, John. Jesus had siblings, but John 7:5 tells us, “For even his brothers didn’t believe in him” (NLT). Jesus’ brother James would go on to become an important figure in the early church (and even write a book of the Bible), but at the time of Jesus’ death, Jesus chose John to care for His mother over James or another sibling. Jesus told John, “‘Here is your mother.’ And from then on this disciple took her into His home” (Jn. 19:27, NLT).

Jesus loved and cared for His family and didn’t abandon them for the sake of His ministry. He selflessly considered how His death on the cross would impact His mother and made a plan for her future. Jesus’ words to John remind us that we are stewards of all the things God has entrusted us with on earth: time, talent, resources, and the people around us. Jesus caring for the practical needs of His mother, Mary, reminds us that Jesus’ ministry was holistic; He cared about Mary’s physical well-being just as He cared about her spiritual well-being.

Jesus’ action also bestowed an important act of service upon John. Luke 16:10 tells us, “If you are faithful in little things, you will be faithful in large ones” (NLT). John had proved his faithfulness to Jesus and received the assignment of a lifetime. It’s the type of faithfulness, commitment, and love we can all aspire to in our relationship with God and others.

Questions for Reflection:

  • What do you think Mary thought, felt, and experienced as she witnessed the events at the cross?
  • How do you think John felt about receiving such an important task from Jesus?
  • How do these words from Jesus demonstrate how He feels about family and who He considered His family?

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The Last Words of Jesus: A Lenten Devotional

As you prepare to celebrate death’s defeat and the hope of salvation this Easter, reflect on some of the final statements Jesus made during His time on earth and discover the powerful lessons He delivered with each word.
