Mountain Moving Faith and PrayerУзор

Mountain Moving Faith and Prayer


The Danger of Familiarity

Read Matthew 13:54-58

Jesus was back in Nazareth where he had grown up. Probably he was visiting his family. While they were not his priority now, Jesus still had a heart for his mum and brothers and sisters. Nazareth was a tiny village populated by only a few families. You can tell by the way the citizens can name his brothers in order that this was no metropolis. I lived in such a town for a few years when I was teaching. There were no secrets in Baralaba. 

On a previous visit to the synagogue in Nazareth, Jesus had almost been killed by a local lynch mob when he dared to say that Gentiles were included in God’s plan. But things had settled down now. Jesus had established a good reputation in the region and had many followers. He was welcome to speak in their synagogue again. Perhaps the villagers now saw Jesus as a local boy who had made good. Not too many celebrities came from Nazareth. It didn’t have a strong reputation. As Nathanael asked about Jesus, “Can anything good come from Nazareth?” (John 1:46).

But just because Jesus’ hometown marveled at his wisdom and power, didn’t mean that they believed in him. In fact, their familiarity with Jesus and his family seemed to be their major barrier to faith. They were impressed by his teaching and reputation, but they couldn’t get around his local roots. His family was as ordinary as everyone else in town. How could Jesus be anyone special? It is likely that even his brothers came to the same conclusion. John 7:5 says that they didn’t believe either. In the end, the village took offense at the authority and power of this local upstart. 

And what was the result of their lack of faith in Jesus? They missed the miracles. The healings. The redemptions. The exorcisms. The wonders. The grace. Probably they didn’t bother to ask Jesus for anything. They didn’t see the point. 

Of course, we didn’t grow up in the same town as Jesus, so familiarity is not likely to be a problem for us. Or is it? Maybe we are so used to the ordinariness of life that we have no experience or expectation of Jesus working in power. We have a commonplace Jesus who is with us, but not an authoritative, powerful Jesus who heals and saves and works in power. Maybe it could be said of our community, “Jesus did not do many miracles there because of their lack of faith.”

But what happens if we believe and then nothing happens? Most of us have been there. We may not have big faith for fear of being let down again. My son, who has had his fair share of significant disappointments, put it to me like this: “I believe with all my heart in Jesus’ power to work miracles and I pray accordingly. If my prayers are not answered then I am absolutely confident that Jesus has a better way. So my faith in Jesus continues to grow whatever happens.” That’s what big faith looks like. 

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Mountain Moving Faith and Prayer

Jesus emphasized the importance of the faith of people in enabling God to work in great power. But what does faith-filled prayer that moves mountains look like? There are many misconceptions around the place. This plan takes you through seven of Jesus' statements on faith in the Gospel of Matthew and draws out a clear picture of mountain-moving faith that will both encourage and challenge you.
