



The story is told of a young management grad who sees a youth daydreaming, seated under a tree. The young grad asks the youth why he was not at school, studying. The youth asks him, “What after that?” The grad says, “You could graduate from school, go to college and get a degree.” The youth again comes back with, “What after that?”

The grad comes up with, “You could get a job, go higher up till you reach the top and retire a wealthy man.” The youth comes up with the same question. The grad says, “You could buy a home by the beach and take a vacation and sit under a tree just dreaming.” The youth told him, “That’s what I am doing now.” The management grad looked thoroughly deflated and understandably so!!

As Christians, many of us tend to be just that. Each of us may have come to know Jesus as our savior in different ways. But once we have accepted Jesus as our savior, we just like to sit back and coast along. That’s the kind of attitude that Jesus is talking against in Mathew 25. We see the master in the parable commending the servants who multiplied the treasures they were given. In this parable, we observe that the servants were given different amounts of resources. When they doubled it (according to what they got), the master commended them both the same way.

We are accountable to God about how we spend what he has given us - our time, treasure and talent. In our daily life, we seem to be so busy that we hardly find time for things of God. When we analyze our time spent, our life seems to be filled with things of little eternal significance. How willing are we to use our talents to glorify God or be involved in his kingdom? Are we letting what God has entrusted in our hands just waste away?

Thought for the day: Time and talent in God’s hands and aligned to God’s purposes is wise investment.

Pray: Dear Lord, help me number my days and manage my time responsibly. Make me aware of what gifts and talents you have given me. Help me use them so that I may be an instrument to extend your kingdom here on earth. Amen.
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As human beings in general and as Christians in particular, we are accountable at various levels, to God, our families, our friends, our bosses and our teams at our places of work. Human nature in itself does not relish accountability. Accountability to God is the fundamental thing that is the enabler for all other levels of accountability.
