Holy Spirit, My Help Узор

Holy Spirit, My Help


We Can Move Forward

That night I believe God wanted to remind me that with the Holy Spirit I could move forward.

Today I can assure you that together with Him we can accomplish things in our lives, that which God has called us to do. But we also have responsibility on our part. While it is up to Him to do, it is up to us to believe and trust Him, to be willing to cry out, to pray, to ask, and to wait.

The Holy Spirit wants to partner with us and help us in the process of achieving all that God has planned.

Maybe you are facing a difficult situation today. Please know that if you let the Holy Spirit help you and guide you, the enemy will not be able to defeat you. You have the Spirit of God who is the guarantee of His promises. One version of the second letter to the Corinthians says that we are "stamped with the seal of the Holy Spirit", and that shows that we belong to Him.

Faced with the situation you are going through today, rest in the certainty that you are not fighting alone, that you can move forward and go through difficult situations, because the Holy Spirit is with you.

Do you remember a situation in which the Holy Spirit helped you to move forward?

Prayer: Dear Spirit of God, help me through this difficult situation and guide me to where I can walk to please You. I thank You for Your company and for being my guarantee of God's promises. Amen.

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