Live in God's WillУзор

Live in God's Will

ДЗЕНЬ 15 З 15

                                   Part Three: How Can We Live in God’s Will?

Day 15: Live in God’s will by having enduring faith. 

To live in the will of God, we must be able to trust that He is good and that His ways are better than our ways, even when we don’t see how. To walk in God’s will, we must have faith in Him. Our faith in Him is what keeps us going when surrendering feels excruciating, when temptation is enticing, and when we experience suffering or persecution. 

To live in the will of God, we need grit. We need endurance. We need confidence in Him that He will give us His strength to keep going. We can do anything God asks us to do through the power of His Spirit. We cannot throw away our confidence in Him. We must resolve that following Christ is worth it, no matter what. 

God promises us that our faith in Him brings great rewards. Living in God’s will means we are living for eternal blessings and rewards, not the temporal comforts and longings of this world. Do we trust that what God is asking us to do or surrender is what’s best for us? If we don’t, then we will never be able to live out God’s will for our lives. Our fears and lack of faith will cause us to shrink back and eventually destroy us. 

God’s will for us is that we will not shrink back from the life He has for us. We are to trust, by faith, that His will is better for us than our will. His ways are better than our ways. To sum up the three parts of this study on God’s will, here is how we can define His will for our lives:  God’s will for us is to be Spirit-filled so that we can continually grow in our sanctification and our effectiveness as sent ones. He cares about our sanctification, becoming more like Him. He cares about us being sent out to the people around us who desperately need to hear the hope of the gospel. He’s given us His Spirit so that we can confidently pursue those two main objectives of being in His will. 

· God’s will for you is to be Spirit-filled so that you can continually grow in your sanctification and be a sent one. Are you ready to trust Him to live this out?


Lord, I want to have enduring faith in You. I want to obey Your will by walking in Your Spirit daily. I want to take steps toward becoming more like You by pursuing holiness in my life. I want to share about You with others around me and make Your name great, not mine. Please help me to seek You and Your will for the rest of my life so that one day, when we are face to face, I will hear these words, “Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of your Master.” Amen.

If you’d like a more in-depth study on the will of God go to:

There is no definitive test that can tell us exactly what our spiritual gifts are, but if you don’t know your gifts, you can take this test online and then discuss it with trusted friends to see if they see these giftings at work through you. 

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Live in God's Will

What does it look like to live in God's will? Who does He want us to become? What does He want us to do? How can living in His will brings us hope, freedom and peace? This 15-day devotional will take you on a journey to dig deeper into God's Word and deeper into your own life to know for certain you are living in His will today.
