



The justification in what you have accomplished on earth pales in comparison to the identity you receive in God. 

The centurion thought he was not worthy of the Savior's high honor coming to his home and healing his servant. His excuses are an example of a toxic identity. He lumped his position with his identity in the presence of God, saying that I have the authority to bring him here to you. 

If our identity is wrapped up in self-aggrandizement, when someone circumvents us, we will feel inadequate.

Who I am 

What I do 

When I achieve 

Where I manage 

Why I govern 

How I live 


Reflect on some moments when you thought of your authority and leadership as it pertained to control. How did you justify it when you bowed down to something higher, and how did that impact those that follow you? 

I remember a lost friendship because I felt my friend circumvented me and went around me to reach and gain favor with someone else. Instead of being happy for the blessing and success he received, I bore a grudge of disappointment about his new relationships. 

It is easy to feel unimportant when you do not know what is happening. It is hard to accept rebuke when you do understand what is happening. 

Our identity must be in Him, the one who is Holy. We should not attach importance to our role when introducing someone to the truth. Partial obedience is disobedience.

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