God's Story: Part OneУзор

God's Story: Part One


Look at the image above. What is being tossed from the hand? What role do those tiny specks play in the world? What role do they play in your own life?

Daily Discipline

  • Pray.
    • Before reading the main Scripture(s) for today, pray, and ask the Holy Spirit to speak life into you over the next few minutes.
  • See it. 
    • Read the passage. What sticks out to you? What are your thoughts or questions? It may be helpful to highlight or underline words or phrases that seem important or even confusing to you.
  • Slow it down.
    • Read the passage again, but take your time. Now what sticks out? Is it something new? Is it the same as last time? It is also helpful to write down or type out your thoughts and questions.
  • Speak it out.
    • Read the passage one more time, but out loud this time. Now take just a few minutes and ask God what he is trying to speak to you. Expect that he will speak to you through your conscience, thoughts in your mind, pastors, teachers and even some of your friends.
  • Respond.
    • Thank God for always having time for you. Ask him to open your heart to continually hear from him throughout the rest of the day.


After reading the main passage for today, read Genesis 2:7. Reflect again on the image above. What thoughts come to mind as you envision God creating mankind from the "dust" or "dirt" of the earth? Think back to day 1 of this reading plan and compare your view of God creating the world with your view of God creating humans. Remember that this is God's story. From God's perspective, what do you think are his thoughts toward his creatures?

Dive Deeper

Optional verse: Genesis 2:7

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God's Story: Part One

Have you ever read a story that you wanted to be a part of? Your Bible tells the story of history, from beginning to end, and you are one of the characters! In order to understand your role, you first have to know who's story you're a part of. Over the next five days, come get to know God, the creator of the universe.
