Daily Bible Reading - August 2020 God's Life-Giving Word of Forgiveness and MercyУзор
August 29
The people of Israel and Judah are described like lost sheep without a leader, but the LORD promises to have compassion on them, care for the people, and punish their enemies. (See also Matthew 9:36 that speaks of Jesus’s pity for the people “because they were worried and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.”)
Scripture Reading
Zechariah 10:1-12
Today’s Key Verse: Zechariah 10:12
“I will make my people strong; they will worship and obey me.” The LORD has spoken.
According to verse 2, whom do the people consult? Why are the people compared to lost sheep? In what ways does the LORD promise to care for the people? In what ways does God care for you?
Lord God, you alone revive my soul, and you surround me with your loving presence. You fill my heart with joy, and I promise to worship and obey you. Amen.
Prayer Concern
Those in need of direction and guidance
Tomorrow’s Reading
John 8:1-11: The religious leaders seek to test Jesus.
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Daily Bible Reading is designed to facilitate consistent interaction with Scripture. It includes background information on each day’s Scripture passage and key verse for meditation, reflection questions to help you dive deeper into Scripture, a prayer and prayer concern to help you connect to God and be of spiritual support to others. Journey with us this month as we explore the theme “God’s Life-Giving Word of Forgiveness and Mercy.”