Daily Bible Reading – April 2020 God’s Life-Giving Word Of HopeУзор

Daily Bible Reading – April 2020 God’s Life-Giving Word Of Hope

ДЗЕНЬ 21 З 30


April 21


The author explains that Jesus is greater than Moses. While Moses was a faithful servant and spoke to God’s people, Christ, God’s own Son, is in charge of God’s people. The chapter concludes with a warning about rebelling against God and a reminder to remain faithful in order to enter the place of rest.

Today’s Scripture: Hebrews 3:6

Christ is faithful as the Son in charge of God’s house. We are his house if we keep up our courage and our confidence in what we hope for. 

Today’s Reading 

Hebrews 3:1-19


The Israelite people who left Egypt were headed for Canaan, where they hoped to make their home in a land of plenty and peace. But the generation of Israelites that disobeyed God in the desert was not allowed to enter this place of rest. God has provided a place of rest in heaven for those who have faith in Christ and who will live with God forever. How do you imagine this place of promised rest?


Lord Jesus, I am reminded of the many ways in which I find my rest in you. Thank you for your love and grace. Make me your faithful servant until I come to eternal rest. In your holy name, I pray. Amen.

Prayer Concern

Those who will enter into eternal rest this day

Tomorrow’s Reading

Hebrews 4:1-13: God promises a Sabbath rest to those who have faith.

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