Reset Your Mind: Overhauling Toxic ThoughtsУзор

Reset Your Mind: Overhauling Toxic Thoughts


Mind Renovation

We’ve probably all heard how much our thoughts impact our lives. While theologians, leaders, authors, self-help gurus, and CEOs may have different viewpoints about life and politics, most agree that our thoughts are incredibly important and dictate the trajectory of our lives. Take a look at some popular quotes:

  • “Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you’re right.” — Henry Ford 
  • “Believe you can and you’re halfway there.” — Teddy Roosevelt
  • “The happiness of your life depends on the quality of your thoughts.” — Marcus Aurelius 
  • “Our thoughts make us what we are.” — Dale Carnegie 

The Apostle Paul challenges us at the beginning of Romans 12 to “not conform to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of our minds.” The Greek word for the word renewing is anakainōsis and it literally means renovation. So, according to this verse, our transformation occurs when our mind undergoes a renovation.  

We know that a renovation happens when someone wants to change the appearance of their home or business. Maybe it’s because something is broken or damaged or perhaps it just needs to be updated. A mind renovation is similar.

What kind of renovation does your mind need? 

Maybe you’re still focused on the broken and damaged thoughts you’ve been thinking for years. It could be that you’ve been playing an outdated recording in your mind that someone said to you during your childhood. Do you find yourself constantly complaining? Is it easier for you to fixate on the things that could go wrong in your life? Are you jealous and envious of others and how their lives seem better than yours? Do you feel overwhelmed and defeated by how you view yourself? 

Whether we usually have a positive outlook on life or we struggle every day with what our minds obsess over, we could all use some guidance when it comes to our thoughts. Often, we refer to unwanted thoughts as negative or bad, but what they really are is toxic

While many of our thoughts may not have much value, plenty do. Some are incredible thoughts that impact others for the better, while many of our thoughts are bent toward the negative. So, it’s true that we can’t change every thought that needs changing, we can think about our thoughts and attempt to change the ones that are toxic. 

Over the next four days, we will learn how to test our thoughts, capture toxic thoughts, fix our thoughts on Jesus, and make a plan to put it into practice.


  • Think about your most common thoughts. How do they make you feel? 
  • In what area of your thought life do you need a renovation?

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Reset Your Mind: Overhauling Toxic Thoughts

Do you ever feel like you have little control over the thoughts in your head? Most of us struggle with negativity, worry, and other toxic thoughts. In this 5-day Bible Plan, we’ll learn how to overhaul toxic thoughts, reset our minds, and focus our thinking on Christ.
