Irresistible FaithУзор

Irresistible Faith


According to Jesus, there is and always has been a group of ambassadors endowed with the resources to nudge the world toward peace, healing, wholeness, and flourishing. These ambassadors are unique. They are equipped to be less dependent on the strength of the human spirit, the intelligence of the human mind, and the moxie of the human will. They are called to lean instead on the strength of the Holy Spirit, the wisdom of God, and the determination of God’s vision to bring about peace, health, wholeness, and flourishing.

Included among Jesus’ ambassadors are academics and scientists and celebrities and politicians and movers and shakers and such, to be sure.

But in addition to these, Jesus also includes those like himself who aren’t part of the world’s elite clubs, VIP lists, and manifestos. These are people like Amos and Bathsheba and Peter and Mary the mother of Jesus, easily dismissed as “weak” and “common” and “foolish” and “low” and “despised,” but who, time and time again, find themselves right in the center of God’s strategy to bless and heal the world. . . .

According to the One who created and sustains and intends to renew the world, the answer to the world’s woes includes ordinary men, women, and children who have been awakened to their place in the Story of an extraordinary God.

Central to his plan to mend the world’s woes, Jesus says, are Christians of every kind. To a mostly overlooked, uneducated, and non-credentialed—yet also redeemed, restored, forgiven, and Spirit-filled—band of fishermen, tax collectors, addicts, widows, children, and former prostitutes, Jesus spoke these words: “You are the salt of the earth. . . . You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. . . . Let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven” (Matt. 5:13–14, 16, emphasis added). These three metaphors of salt, light, and city stir our imaginations about our role in God’s mission to rescue and restore and enrich his world.


Check out the book 'Irresistible Faith' by Scott Sauls 

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