Healing The Wounded Soulعينة

Healing The Wounded Soul

يوم 5 من إجمالي 5

DAY 5:  How God Communicates

“The voice said, ‘Cry out.’ And he said, ‘What shall I cry out?’ All flesh is grass, and all its loveliness is as the flower of the field. The grass withers, the flower fades because the Spirit of the Lord blows upon it; surely the people are grass. The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God shall stand forever.”—Isaiah 40:6-8

God wants you to have the healing and the answers you need. When you are in His presence, He will often download insights to help you get them. For example, He may cause a word or a Scripture reference to pop into your spirit. When He does, look up the word or reference in the Bible and meditate on the entire chapter it is contained in. As you reflect on what you heard, the Holy Spirit will give you even more detail so you can understand what He is trying to say to you. Make sure you write down everything you are hearing, sensing, and seeing.

At first it might seem unclear, but the more you read, research, and record your insights, the more the revelation will increase.

Another way God communicates is through dreams and visions. Worship will cause the realm of dreams and visions to open up. When you receive a vision or dream, look up the meanings of everything you saw, using the Bible and a dictionary as your main sources for doing research. You will likely find that the symbols in your dreams will lead you to a chapter in the Bible, which is God’s intent. The Word holds the revelation of God. In it is everything you need for every issue you face.

يوم 4

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