Preparing for Marriage Biblicallyعينة

Preparing for Marriage Biblically

يوم 20 من إجمالي 31


Women, don’t try to change your husbands, but adapt and let God do the changing as He deems fit. Cast your worries on the Lord; don’t fall under the pressure to make things happen. If you do your part, God will do the rest.

The Law of Adaptability requires a woman to adapt to her husband. Remember that the Bible in 1 Corinthians 11:8-9 says, “For the man is not of the woman; but the woman of the man. Neither was the man created for the woman; but the woman for the man." Therefore, it is altogether appropriate that a woman who is meant to be a man helpmeet adapt to him. You shouldn’t marry a man you cannot adapt to.

Let me be clear that men are not perfect and their ways and preferences are not superior compared to women’s. Some men, for instance, have developed bad habits of watching pornography. If such a man requires his wife to watch pornography with him because she needs to adapt to him, he’s out of order. Adapting in this context does not include adapting to sin. A born-again wife should confront her born-again husband when he commits sin and not adapt to him in such an instance. However, where it is a matter of a preference for a meal or a way of doing things that doesn’t amount to sin, the Bible requires that a woman adapt to her husband. If the man needs to change, God will change him.

You, as a woman, should not give yourself a mission to change your husband. You won’t succeed at this and there will be no peace in your home. You don’t need unnecessary quarrels. You need to decide whether you want God’s wisdom in your marriage or use yours.


Husband: Dear Lord, I receive the grace to always lead my home in Your will and way. Amen!

Wife: Dear Lord, give me the grace to adapt to the leadership of my husband instead of trying to change him. Amen!

يوم 19يوم 21

عن هذه الخطة

Preparing for Marriage Biblically

Too many people today do little or no preparation when it comes to marriage; instead focusing their energy on a one-day wedding event! The Bible says, "Two are better than one, for they have a better reward!" For these results and rewards to follow your marriage, there is a preparation phase before marriage because it is when preparation and opportunity meet together that destinies happen.
