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Dare to Be a Dadعينة

Dare to Be a Dad

يوم 1 من إجمالي 8

She’s pregnant. And it’s not a mistake that you’re reading this right now. When I found out that I was going to be a dad, I didn’t feel ready. I was young and still trying to find my own place in the world. However, those feelings didn’t change my reality. There was a tiny heart beating with my name on it. That heartbeat was a life that would live forever, affecting generations, and it would be my honor to be a part of it.

Would you consider taking ten minutes per day, for seven days, to begin this journey with me? I believe these seven simple conversations can make a big difference in your life right now. By the time you’re done, my hope is that you’ll dare to be a dad. And not just any dad, but the great dad that you are destined to be.

Welcome to dadhood. You belong here.

- Matt Hammitt, dad of four, Christian music artist

يوم 2

عن هذه الخطة

Dare to Be a Dad

She’s pregnant. And it’s not a mistake that you’re reading this. There is a tiny heart beating with your name on it, and that heartbeat will affect generations. You get to be a part of it! These seven simple conversation...


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