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Thicker Than Waterعينة

Thicker Than Water

يوم 17 من إجمالي 28

Have you ever had someone do something unexpectedly kind for you? There’s nothing like that feeling of being appreciated and cared for when you didn’t anticipate it. It’s a powerful thing. In the same way, we can do something just as powerful for the people around us. We can show up in kindness.

Today, take some time to ask yourself this question: What if I looked for and took opportunities to do things for others they might not expect? Write out your answers on a piece of paper. We might be surprised at what we find when we do. We are pointing people to Jesus. But we are also investing in relationships with the people who matter the most.

Today, look for an opportunity to show kindness to someone else.


يوم 16يوم 18

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